Saturday, January 21, 2012

Great Diffuser Deal!

A lot of you that are reading my blog are new to essential oils.  You know, I'm not a pro either but, I have been doing homework and learning what I can.  I love this diffuser!

(If you order it use #1237023 as your sponsor number.)  This little diffuser may be small, but it is a work horse!  It uses a very quiet, but powerful fan to blow cold air through a pad that you place the oil on. You can use any oil.  This diffuser comes with a bottle of Lavender (usually) so you can use it immediately!  It is battery operated so you can take it anywhere!  I personally use this diffuser in my daughter's room.  She happens to love lemon, so I diffuse that for her.  When she's sick we diffuse other things.  If you're looking for a starter diffuser, I can't recommend this one enough!

Friday, January 20, 2012

How do I use Essential Oils?!

There are several ways to use essential oils.  Here are just a few

  • Diffuse them using a diffuser or even your humidifier.  It's not recommended to put them inside the humidifier as they could leave residue in it and mess up the plastic.  I would put a cotton ball with the oil on it in the path of the mist.
  • You can inhale them.  Rub some of the oil in the palms of your hand and rub, rub to get them warm. Hold your hands to your nose and mouth and just inhale for a few minutes.
  • You can do a steam treatment.  Boil or heat water, add the oil and lean over to allow the steam to be inhaled
  • You can use them topically.  Some oils can be used neat, meaning you are using just the oil.  I prefer to use a carrier oil because it seems easier to rub into the skin and it lasts longer.
  • Some oils can be ingested.  Peppermint oil and lemon can be put into your water to drink.  Some oils you can put into a capsule and ingest it.  Not all oils can be ingested this way.
  • Bathe with them. In the shower you can put your oil on a dry wash cloth and then wet it in the shower.  Use the cloth to bathe with.  You can take a bath and using a gel based body wash add the oil.  The oils will be on top of the water, but that's ok.  They will soak into the skin better.

I'm sure that there are some other techniques that can be used that I have forgotten.  For now though, this should get you going!  Enjoy!  

Dosing for Children

There are definitely specific doses for children and even specific oils that can and cannot be used for children.

EO body oil or body rub dosing. 

For 1 ounce (30ml) of carrier oil.  You can buy the carrier oil from Young Living if you like.  I like it, but I love using coconut oil.  It's moisturizing and slips all over the skin.  Almond oil is supposed to be a better carrier oil too.  Honestly, I think using any quality food grade oil will work fine.  Probably not Canola oil, but olive, jojoba, avocado etc...

Newborns - 0-1 drop
2-6 mos - 1-2 drop
6-12 mos - 1-3 drop
1-4yrs - 1-5 drop
5-7 yrs - 3-6
8-12 - 5-9 drop
12 and over - 5-10

This is just a general guideline. If you are using Young Living oils, these are the doses.  Start with the lowest amount of drops and increase if you aren't getting the result you want.  I am not a medical doctor or health practitioner.  I cannot diagnose any ailment.  I can only guide you toward oils that have helped our family and have been shown to help.  I reference 3 books when I look for healing my family. 
Gentle Babies by Debra Raybern
Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child by Valerie Ann Worwood
Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley

I would suggest that you reference these books for healing your family as well.  They will prove invaluable!  

Young Living

Wanted to do a little blurb about Young Living as well.  Essential oils can be very helpful in a variety of situations.  Right now it seems as if everyone is sick.  So, let's look at some oils that can be beneficial.  One of our oils is called Purification.  It can be diffused in your home and it will kill those nasty little germs that want to make you sick.  Thieves is also another blend that will help.  There's an interesting story about Thieves.  I'll make that another post some day.

Thieves can also be diffused.  It can be ingested and it can be used topically.  If you have any questions about oils and how to use them just leave a comment for me!  I'd be happy to answer them!

Norwex Specials

Right now there are a few specials going on.  The one I would take advantage of is the Kitchen Dish Pack. I love the tea towels and the dish cloth.  These microfiber cloths are amazing!  They can hold so much water.  I used it to clean my dishes today.  The nice thing about them is that they are reusable.  Of course regular dish cloths are too, but these have a major advantage.  These cloths are antibac, very very soft, incredibly absorbent and dry fast!

The picture above this line is of the Kitchen Dish Pack.  Right now it's on sale for $36.99.  There is a way to get it cheaper of course.  You can have a party or become a consultant.  You don't have to have a party either.  You can just let me come over and clean your kitchen!  What!?!  Yes, I'll clean your kitchen.  Let's do some dishes and clean your counter.  I'm convinced that you'll love the product.  If you want to invite a friend that would be great.  Parties with Norwex are fun!  Unlike other party businesses, there is no minimum to have a party and you still get rewards.  You'll also get free shipping.  If you have 5 people order you'll get a gift.  The can order the cheapest thing and you'll STILL get a gift!  How's that for a party!  

Feeling Good and Clean?  Well, I suppose I should explain what this means.  I believe in two products.  Feeling Good is what I can attribute to Young Living Essential Oils.  I love them.  I've had some great results.  As I come across uses or new products I will update you on them.  Clean..  For that I use Norwex.  Norwex products drastically reduce your use of chemicals to clean your home and your body!  Most of the products just require a cloth and water.  It's amazing!  The Envirocloths contain silver in them.   As you clean your counter or other surface the cloth will pick up any yucky germs.  It doesn't kill them, but picks up 99.9% of them and then you rinse them down the drain!  The silver in the cloth inactivates the germs left behind in 24 hours!  There are even more amazing products, but that's the one that most people start with.  This is just a short little blurb.

So, I do sell these two products and yes I am endorsing them in one blog.  Hopefully this is not against any rules.  I feel that the items are so different that it's ok to do so.  The compliment one another in improving your quality of life and your health and wellness.